Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Hey Friends! Tomorrow, April 22, 2020 is Earth Day!
Which makes me think of one of my favorite
Storyline Online stories. If you have some time
for the planet, check out Here Comes The Garbage Barge
by Jonah Winter 


What is the theme or message of the story?
Did you know that the average American throws away about 4 pounds of trash per day?
Is the author trying to persuade his audience?
What things can you do (or are you already doing) to help reduce waste?

1 comment:

  1. The message of the story is don´t make so much garbage.Wow that is a lot of garbage.No i did not know we made that much trash.The author is trying to persuade us to if we make a mess we should clean it up our selves.My family is using more reusable plastic contaners, and less 1 time use stuff.
